Our Team at Nextbridge Institute

Nextbridge Institute is a place where next leaders in the digital world are trained. We have a solid understanding of what is required to accomplish in the outside world. It isn’t just an institution, it’s more like a place where the best teaching experience is shared.
Why teamwork matters at Nextbridge Institute?
Employees contribute to the success of a company. The same can be said regarding Nextbridge institute, as its success lies towards how effective its team is. The squad here includes trainers and everyone who manages the institution. Here are some of our excellent trainers:
Fahad Nisar – The MEAN Stack Legend
An advocate of Agile methodologies, Fahad Nisar is a highly experienced and a versatile trainer in the field of MEAN/MERN & LAMP stacks. Currently working as a Development Manager; his abilities led him to work with Nextbridge Institute as a trainer.
Fahad has an experience of more than 11 years in the field of mobile and website development. He has a firm grip over Microservices and Serverless Architecture.

Muslim Munir – The MERN Stack Guru
An established MERN stack guru with more than 6 years of professional training experience.
Muslim Munir is your go-to guy when it comes to JavaScript. If you’re weak in JS or want to get your grip over the subject, enrolling with us can improve your JS skillset.
Muslim personally has worked on multiple large-scale JavaScript-based projects. By using excellent programming techniques, he addresses issues that are complex to begin with and make them smoother.

Sabeeh Faseeh – The Training Manager
Sabeeh Faseeh is more of a teacher than a manager. With over 15 years of experience in the software industry, he holds the position of a specialist who implements training and development plans, and facilitates training programs that enhance the effectiveness of the workforce.
Aroosa Hina Iqbal – The Communications Specialist
Aroosa Hina Iqbal is a mentor when it comes to soft skills. She has great observation skills, a friendly personality and knows how to identify weaknesses in individuals.
She is the perfect communications instructor that you need in order to be more confident while working at your workplace.

Shakeel Muhammad – Chief Administrator Officer
Shakeel Muhammad is a pioneer in Nextbridge and knows the ins and outs of the company very well. He has taken up a wide range of roles and responsibilities within a managerial capacity and paved direction for various departments over the years.
He is the Chief Administrator Officer at Nextbridge Institute and aims to make it an institution that redefines training and education’s criteria in Pakistan.
Mahnoor Ikram – Institute’s Ambassador
Mahnoor can be your best friend in the institute and can help you in numerous ways throughout your time at Nextbridge Institute.
She’s the ambassador and represents what Nextbridge stands for, which is diversity and inclusion.
She focuses on the practical side of things and promotes ethics among students.
In a Nutshell
Nextbridge Institute believes that a strong vision can change anyone’s life! And that sole vision is to provide a platform, where everyone can join from anywhere irrespective of age, profession, and status.
So, what is it that you want to learn from us?