How You Could Apply the Feynman Technique to Learn Code Faster

These days everyone wants a quick formula to learning code so that they can quickly jump into the industry. It’s like no one wants to put in the grunt work or the time in learning code. Faster results cannot be achieved if you’re not exerting yourself. Coding cannot be learned in the snap of a finger; it takes time and dedication.
Generally, coding is considered to have a gradual learning curve because of its growing complexity. However, in this short read, we’ll tell you about the Feynman Technique for learning code faster and how to apply the Feynman Technique.
Richard Feynman, as you might have figured, was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in quantum mechanics. Feynman said,
“If you cannot explain something in simpler terms, you don’t understand it”
That is very much true. Of course, if you can make a layman understand what you’re working on or how the coding actually works it means your roots are strong.
So here are a few steps to the Feynman Technique for learning code faster:

1- Pick a topic and start studying it
The first step is quite straightforward, choose exactly what you need to learn in coding/programming and start studying it. Students have everything unnecessarily confused. At one point they’ll be working on Python and the next day it will be C++. You have to pick one language/framework at a time and start studying it. Consult with a senior or your teachers if there is still confusion about what to pick and what not to pick. Richard Feynman didn’t become such a great physicist by changing his disciplines over and over again.
Some of the languages have a syntax just like English so it will be easier to learn and understand. Maybe you could start from there in case of indecisiveness. The codebase is built on logic and you’ll have to understand the whole subject matter itself.
You have to build logic in coding and this is best done if you start writing codes on your computer. This will trigger you to learn code faster.
Fun fact: writing stimulates your Hippocampus, the part of the brain that stimulates memory and learning.
2- Explain the Topic to Someone with less Knowledge
Step 2 of Feynman’s technique is explaining the topic you’ve learned to someone who has zero knowledge about it. It can be one of your friends who is from a different discipline. You’ll be able to have a greater grip on the subject matter.
It’s not only the core coding that you should focus on but the logic base behind it as well. Having the logic to back up your code will help you in learning code faster.
Participating in small projects in your classes and presentations will help you a lot in learning code faster. The exact idea of Feynman, to explain it to someone who has a lesser grip on the subject matter. But you can tweak this step by explaining assignments and projects to your fellow peers. This will boost your learning curve and make your concepts clearer.

3- Identify Any Gaps in your Learning
During the process of learning, allow yourself to make mistakes, not intentionally of course. Once you’ve identified the gaps in your learning then you’ll know what you need to work on the most.
Feynman kept this step quite academic but it gets the job done. Basic gaps to learning code can be:
- Poor variable naming
- Inconsistent code formatting
- Lack of debugger tool usage
- Building lengthy functions
4- Take Help by Using Source Material
The last step to Feynman Technique for learning is to take help from the source material. Coding is complex, we all know that. But while you create your codebase you can lack logic building. So if you revisit your resource material to take help in logic building this will help you a lot. You can be saved from damage control once you visit the fundamentals again.
Taking help where you lack or your pain points is the best thing to learning code faster. Numerous tutorial videos are focusing on one single aspect of coding.
Giving up doesn’t make sense when you can take help and knowing your due limitations, as well as gaps, will save you from falling back. Rectifying your mistakes will aid you in learning code even faster.
Once you’re in the learning phase you’ll face a lot of mistakes along the way but by taking help from the relevant helping material you’ll start writing code that is with less error.
Everyone likes error-free code and if you follow the Feynman Technique for learning your basics will become stronger. Every developer stresses one single thing: to have strong basics and this technique will help you do that.

Closing Off
The Feynman Technique for learning is relatively not such an extraordinary technique if you drill down to the basics of it. But while it may be simple, it is quite effective if executed the right way. Just remember even if you’re an experienced developer or a beginner revisiting the fundamentals won’t make you any less of a developer.
The Feynman Technique for learning can be utilized over and over until you master learning to code. But it all depends upon the learning curve of an individual and how much he can amount to in a specific period. However, if you follow the Feynman Technique for learning religiously you can bet on learning code faster.
The majority of people associate the Feynman Technique for learning with academic studies but the learning model can be transferred to different sectors. In UX designing mental models play a vital role in the actual design phase so this learning model can help in your workflows.
Although the Feynman Technique for learning doesn’t provide a guaranteed formula for learning code faster, following it will surely fuel up your learning curve and also it will help you in your memory retention capabilities.
So this is how to apply the Feynman Technique for learning code faster.
What do you think about this technique?